Research Daily

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Eye on the Future
Eye on the Future
Research and Rankings on the Rise in Engineering College
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Eye on the Future
Eye on the Future
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Research and Rankings on the Rise in Engineering College
2024 By Jeff Brooks-Gillies false, n/a
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Teaching Teachers
Florida Atlantic: Teaching Teachers
Dean Dedicated to Preparing Effective Instructors
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Teaching Teachers
Florida Atlantic: Teaching Teachers
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Dean Dedicated to Preparing Effective Instructors
2024 fau-magazine, n/a

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New AI-Enabled Center
New AI-Enabled Center
Florida Atlantic University and Florida Power & Light Company unveiled the newly established “FPL Center for Intelligent Energy Technologies.”
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New AI-Enabled Center
New AI-Enabled Center
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Florida Atlantic University and Florida Power & Light Company unveiled the newly established “FPL Center for Intelligent Energy Technologies.”
2024 By Gisele Galoustian false, n/a
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Sea Turtle Nesting Season
Sea Turtle Nesting Season
Researchers provide “best practices” and answer some questions to help protect Florida’s nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.
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Sea Turtle Nesting Season
Sea Turtle Nesting Season
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Researchers provide “best practices” and answer some questions to help protect Florida’s nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.
2024 By Gisele Galoustian false, n/a
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New Microbiome Innovation Center
Florida Atlantic: New Microbiome Innovation Center
Addressing South Florida’s Complex Agriculture Issues
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New Microbiome Innovation Center
Florida Atlantic: New Microbiome Innovation Center
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Addressing South Florida’s Complex Agriculture Issues
2024 fau-magazine, n/a
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Road to R1
Florida Atlantic: Road to R1
Florida Atlantic University headed for a most coveted status — R1: Very High Research Activity.
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Road to R1
Florida Atlantic: Road to R1
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Florida Atlantic University headed for a most coveted status — R1: Very High Research Activity.
2024 fau-magazine, n/a
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